Tuesday 20 September 2011

Anatomy: Life Drawing: Week 01

Fig. 01

Fig. 02

Fig. 03


  1. is that Sammy in the third image? I like it!

    Now - come on, Nat - you know the drill. Your animal should be on here by now, there should be some kind of into to the unit etc. I'm looking to you to help me set the tone - and the bar - this time around. I'm looking to you to be one of the initiated - a mentor-type etc., so go and impress some freshers. I'm expecting your blog to be exemplary...

  2. Ok, sorry Phil, I'll get on it. I made a decision to not touch the creative until I've sorted all the written so I've spent the last few days researching and reading. I'll get some other stuff On here tonight too though
