Chromakey ;
(Communication Arts / Broadcasting) (in colour television) a special effect in which a coloured background can be eliminated and a different background substituted Also called colour separation overlay
As there will be a lot of green screen use in this animation, I'll need to do a variety of tests to get the best results. Here is test one. I found it really interesting, and not overly hard using this method.
(Communication Arts / Broadcasting) (in colour television) a special effect in which a coloured background can be eliminated and a different background substituted Also called colour separation overlay
As there will be a lot of green screen use in this animation, I'll need to do a variety of tests to get the best results. Here is test one. I found it really interesting, and not overly hard using this method.
Figure 01. Close view of the green screen setup
Figure 02. Lights in the setup
While I was taking pictures, I moved the object around on the area and found it to be true that the objects are better further away from the green screen as there were less shadow issues.
Clip one shows the visuals through each stage of my process, clip two shows the same thing but with added text at each phase.
Clip 01.