Fig. 01. Human vs Earwig table.
I made this table to get a basic comparison of information of the two different subjects, this will help when I decide which particular features and habits to incorporate into my final image.
Fig. 02. Microscopic view of an earwig head.
This image is going to be a key inspiration for my painting, I love knowing the detail, and there are some funky shapes I can work with.
This image is going to be a key inspiration for my painting, I love knowing the detail, and there are some funky shapes I can work with.
Fig. 03. Male and Female earwigs.
Basic visual information.
Basic visual information.

Fig. 04. Anatomical Female human body.
Reference imagery of the female anatomy, perfect for this anatomy project.

Fig. 05 Anatomical Female human body drawings.
Again, Reference imagery.
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